<aside> ℹ️ On MCC Island, there are many different gameplay mechanics that involve randomized pools of rewards, with varying odds for each item within those pools.

This article shares the exact percentage-based chances for each reward.

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Last updated January 15th, 2024 for Patch 0.22.3. If there have been any changes to these systems since, certain information in this document may be outdated, and is pending an update.




Openables are items that can be interacted with through the player's inventory.

All Openables use a system of Loot Pools and Rolls to determine what they contain. When opened, an openable will make a number of Rolls, depending on the openable type, and then reward an equivalent number of items.

Treasure Chests

There are 3 tiers of Treasure Chest; Bronze, Silver and Golden.

Treasure Chest Tier Loot Pool #1 Pool #1 Chance Loot Pool #2 Pool #2 Chance Loot Pool #3 Pool #3 Chance Loot Pool #4 Pool #4 Chance Loot Pool #5 Pool #5 Chance
Bronze tc_core_bronze 40% tc_quest_bronze 34% tc_relic_bronze 10% tc_material_bronze 10% tc_chroma_bronze 6%
Silver tc_core_silver 32% tc_quest_silver 25% tc_relic_silver 15% tc_material_silver 18% tc_chroma_silver 10%
Golden tc_core_golden 30% tc_quest_golden 27% tc_relic_golden 15% tc_material_golden 18% tc_chroma_golden 10%

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Material Crates

There are 4 types of Material Crates, with the only difference between each of the four being what type of material they give.